- In addition to the best possible medical, psychological, spiritual healing modalities, we will provide the finest and most effective Pre-K through Post 12th grade education available, with special emphases on a wide variety of art and music programs, and opportunities for agricultural and agrarian tutelage – as well as technical training in many forms of animal husbandry and equestrian disciplines. Peace of Heaven will tailor education specifically to each child’s individual interests and God-given passions and propensities instead of the lock-stepped rote learning approach that has left America largely bereft of capable leaders and young entrepreneurs. A special focus will be teaching children wisdom and artistry through the beauty of God’s creation, and the children will be surrounded with the exquisite beauty of fountains and lush flower gardens and vegetable/fruit that they will learn to tend and harvest! We will teach practical skills that range from food preparation, pottery making, and drama productions, to carpentry, computer sciences and videography – and will focus primarily on preparing each child for a truly blessed and productive adult life upon the completion of their teen years in PEACE of HEAVEN Children’s Paradise. We have partnered with Mission Safe Harbour to make PEACE of HEAVEN Children’s Paradise a model that inspires other similar Children’s Refuges throughout the world, until TOGETHER we eradicate the evil of Child Sex Trafficking from the known world! TOGETHER WE CAN!!!
- Please join us as we revamp this former prison into a glorious paradise of beauty and healing for these horrifically abused kids by combining our talents, our time, and our resources to see these young lives rescued from this hellish slavery and transformed into the noble young men and women that God created them to be!!!